Murashova Irina Jurevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assist. Prof. of the Department comprehensive correction of violations of child development, Irkutsk state University, irinangarsk@yandex.ru, Irkutsk


The article considers the ratio of detected imperfections individual patterns of multi-modal perception in children of the seventh year of life with impaired speech. The analysis of the combinations between the CEM structure and peculiarities of manifestations of lexical-grammatical and phonetic, phonemic speech disorders in those children with disharmonious profiles, in which one of the non-driven modalities rather active (open) and the other was inactive (covered or enclosed), indicating insufficient activity of the sensory-perceptual modal interactions. In addition, speech is characterized by symptoms of nedorazvitie of children inactively two non-leading modalities with specific accentuation on the leading modality in the structure of the CEM, indicating that the jam of perception to a leading modality. The frequency of detected variants disharmonious profile types, described in detail the identified symptomatology General underdevelopment of speech, with recommendations on the preferred methods of presenting information for each option.
multimodal perception, a General underdevelopment of speech, leading and non-leading modality of perception, active and inactive modality, harmonious, disharmonious-election, disharmonious-inert types of profile polymodal perception, the accentuation on the leading modality, lexical and grammatical defects, phonetic-phonemic disorders.

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