Polyakov Sergey Danilovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Professor, Ulyanovsk, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Professor, Ulyanovsk, sdpolyakov@mail.ru,, Ulyanovsk


This article is an attempt to develop started pedagogical-psychological theory of social education. The article formulates the basic concepts of the theory, describes the static and dynamic aspects of educational cooperation, characterized by its institutional and cultural context. In the present text referred to the psychological and cultural base of the theory developed, describes its “nuclear” position, made some pragmatic conclusions indicate the boundaries developed by theoretical constructs. In the context of the theoretical propositions spelled generalized model of the teacher-tutor and the conditions of his professional formation
theory, social education, educational interaction, educational organization, culture, teacher-tutor.

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