Ozhgibesova Nina Yurjevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Professional Communication of Science, Tyumen State University, ninadisser@mail.ru, Tyumen
Babich Olga Andreevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Professional Communication of Science, Tyumen State University, elanora81@mail.ru, Tyumen
Sizova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Senior Teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Professional Communication of Science, Tyumen State University, milasizova@yandex.ru, Tyumen

Formation of cross-cultural professional communication competence in foreign language in the master course of science

The article deals with the problem of formation of cross-cultural professional communication competence in foreign language in the Master Course of Science. The analysis of educational standards of higher education was carried out in order to reveal the main competence for Master students. The formation of this competence involves combining linguistic, communication, professional, and cultural blocks, with some other definite competences. There are also some examples of exercises to form cross-cultural professional foreign communication.
formation of cross-cultural professional communication competence, Master Course of Science, foreign language, educational standards of higher education.

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