Sizikova Tatyana Edyardovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of correctional pedagogy and psychology, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, tat@ccru.ru, Novosibirsk
Stunzha Nadezda Alexandrovna
Postgraduate, Faculty of psychology, National Research Institute of Higher School of Economics, nadezda.stunzha@gmail.com, Moscow

Methodological approaches for modeling the system of psychological problems for difftrent types of psychological assistance

The article discloses an application for the principle of systematization to distinguish between dif-ferent types of psychological assistance: psychological counseling, psychotherapy, psychiatry, help for a person to self-actualization. The list of system components in regards of types of psychological problems is the same for these activities. System-forming property in the ontology of the problem is the problem of a person to choose its actions and attitudes, while in ontology of activity - complex factor "reflection - motive - will". The relationships between the different components of the system are different. On the basis of these relationships the authors have built and schematized typological model of human psychological problems for each type of psychological assistance. Each type of psychological problems is reviewed based on the principle of dynamic equilibrium.
principle of systematization, a psychological problem, typological model, reflection, types of psycho-logical assistance.

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