Egorov Ilya Vladimirovich
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Department of Psychologies of Education, Moscow сity university, egorov_cpti@mail.ru, Moscow
Naumova Diana Viktorovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Department of Psychologies of Education, Moscow сity university, seroglazka3@yandex.ru, Moscow


There is the actual problem for the modern Russia of the civil world-perception of young people in the article. Civil world-perception affect the perception of the country, as well as on the relationship to their country and the behavior of young people. It is important to the study of territorial identity and historical consciousness of the person, affecting the civil position in the structure of the civil perception of the world. An empirical study of territorial identity and historical consciousness of young people was carried out in the universities of Moscow and the cities of the Ural region (Ekaterinburg, Perm, Tyumen). The aim of the study was to examine how the residence in the certain territory impacts on the content and specifics of the perception of the world by the young people. The main results are: the regardless of region of residence, a positive attitude dominates toward their country, moreover the content of the historical images (past and present) in the civil world perception of young people is common, in which military and the political events are the most recognized; despite the place of residence the natural objects are associated with other regions not with those where they live in the world-perception of young people.
civil world-perception, territorial identity, the historical consciousness, young people, the relationship to the country, events Russia in the past, events in the present Russia, Russia in territories.

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