Dudareva Julia Borisovna
Graduate Student Humanitarian and Artistic Education of the Art Institute, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, julia21_01@mail.ru, Novosibirsk


The article considers the concept of creative thinking in General, creative thinking, as one of the main elements in the system of additional education, the structure of the creative thinking process: stages, conditions of formation; intellectual skills responsible for the development of thinking, such as: the breadth of mind, depth of mind, flexibility, resilience, reflection and criticality. And the opposite qualities of intelligence, such as inertness of mind, the fragility, shallowness, unawareness. History of the study of creative thinking in foreign and domestic science, methods used by researchers earlier, the problems arising in the modern system of fine art education, methodology of development of productive thinking, visual activities customized to the goals and objectives of art education. The parameters and conditions for the creation of a methodology aimed at the development and formation of creative thinking: parity divergent and convergent thinking, orientation of tasks for the development of certain intellectual qualities, search, the problematic nature of the activities mandatory of reflection.
thinking, creative thinking, problem-based learning, compositional creativity, fine work, the creative process.

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