Grigoryeva Marina Vladimirovna
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.),Prof., Head of the Department of Educational psychology and psychodiagnostics, Saratov State National Research Universitynamed after N. G.Chernyshevsky, grigoryevamv@mail.ru, Saratov


Presented by the theoretical analysis of school adaptation problems in modern school. A comparative analysis of the educational environment of the pre-reform and reformable school. Determined the content of the concept of “adaptational readiness of the person” in the context of ecopsychological approach. It is shown that in different periods of school life in the foreground the individual components of adaptation readiness of the person that ensure the necessary adaptation to the new requirements of the educational environment and on this basis the subsequent development of the learner.Were determined some of the features of school adaptation in the conditions of education reform: limited special of purposeful of Pedagogical efforts to create adequate adaptation readiness and simultaneously requirement a successful result of school adaptation; decrease of intellectualization of social and psychological adaptation and transformation of her funds; increase of entropy and of instability of school adaptation associated with of an increased uncertainty of requirements to learners and some changes in the content of interactions and relations of subjects to the goals and outcomes of education.
school adaptation, education reform, dynamics adaptation, especially school adaptation, learning environment, interaction

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