Maksimova Elena Aleksandrovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Foreign languages department, assistant professor, Saratov Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov University of Economics, maksimolena@yandex.ru, Saratov


The article analyses peculiarities in the development of an innovative organization of professional education – educational unions. Based on the systematic approach to the professional education as to the combination of some structural and functional elements, risks of the development for each of them are defined. The main risks in the development of the educational unions are characterized: risks of agglomeration are found in the lack of coordination among the union members; informational risks are connected with unreliable information provided; socio-economic risks are defined as a possibility of financial losses due to the regional changes. Functional elements in the system of professional education imply infrastructure risks (poor development of the scientific-educational infrastructure), organizational risks (no strategy for the development), and behavioral risks (opposition of corporate cultures of the organizations within a union). The conclusion is drawn that risk overcoming is an inevitable and necessary process in the educational unions development.
educational union, risk of agglomeration, informational risk, socio-economic risk, risk of infrastructure, organizational risk, behavioral risk

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