Pakhar Victor Vyacheslavovich
Без ученой степени, Graduate Student, Department of General and Vocational Pedagogy, Orenburg state University, pahar.viktor@mail.ru, Orenburg


The scientific article “Teaching Patriotic traditions of the Cossacks of the Orenburg region as a basis for social tourism” is aimed to solve social and pedagogical problems of overcoming of deviant behavior of children and adolescents by means of social tourism in the Orenburg region. Category of consumers of tourist services – children and adolescents who are in difficult life situation characterized by deviant behavior. The scientific article is directed towards understanding the importance and necessity of achieving educational and social goals - the formation of the spiritual foundations of children and adolescents in the traditions of the Orenburg Cossacks tools of social tourism. The author of the scientific article revealed the specific features of spiritual and material culture of the Orenburg Cossacks, which is the theoretical-methodological basis of technology introduction to the education of children and adolescents, characterized by deviant behavior; has proven that social tourism is an effective tool and an effective form of pedagogical formation of positive models of behavior of children and adolescents.
teens, social tourism, Orenburg Cossacks, deviant behavior, patriotic education

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