Muller Olga Yurevna
Без ученой степени, Head of the Scientific and Methodical Department of Library, Surgut State University, olga_megion@mail.ru, Surgut


Science and pedagogical cluster as the base of formation of inclusive educational environment.The aim of work is to create the effective system of development of inclusive education with using of cluster approach. During the modelling of the educational area with parameters author got the inclusive vertical that is a hierarchic structure that includes different educational institutions that cooperate together. The educational cluster that was demonstrated in the article shows the community of localisation and the sphere of activity that were included in cluster of institutions, that has scientific and practical importance for the effective organization of pedagogical process that involves creation of inclusive educational space in educational institutions. Integration, communication and coordination of educational institutions to the educational cluster will cause increasing of efficiency of the system of professional education and the cluster approach gives advantages against other approaches and becomes a very important mechanism of realization of new educational policy. The result of operation of science and educational cluster, to author’s opinion, could be educational services of new quality and professional competences.
inclusive education, disabled, educational vertical, cluster, cluster model

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