Naumova Diana Viktorovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Department of Psychologies of Education, Moscow сity university, seroglazka3@yandex.ru, Moscow

Distinctive features of the civic world-view among the youth in different regions of Russia

Under existing conditions of transitivity, polyculture standards, urbanization of the modern social world the study of the phenomenon of the civic world outlook is extremely actual. The term “ civic world-view” needs a detailed description and a definition of its content, structure, mechanisms and conditions that characterize its development. The aim of the study is to research the influence of outer and inner factors upon the civic world outlook among the youth. The outer conditions are a region of dwelling place and the type of dwelling. Inner conditions are the peculiarities of personality’s mature, his responsibility degree, reflexivity level, his social or asocial personality and attitude towards the state. Three groups of respondents were formed that lived in different regions of the country (Far East, The Crimea, Moscow) . As a result of the research work we found out that the region of dwelling is to be a significant factor that determines the specific character of the civic world outlook among the youth. Besides, the types of personality, that depend on some certain civic outlook, were distinguished.
civic world-view, responsibility, reflectiveness, personality’s mature, youth, socialization

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