Titova Elena Vladimirovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Pedagogy, Al. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, ev-titova@yandex.ru, St. Petersburg

Trouble choosing methodological approaches in pedagogical research

At present, along with increased attention to the choice of methodological approaches in pedagogical studies began to emerge some negative tendencies related to incorrect presentation of methodological bases. Difficulties in selecting and applying of methodological approaches in modern pedagogical studies are due to a number of problems: the ambiguity of the concept of "methodological approach”, not enough grounded selection of many approaches, the incapability to distinguish methodological approaches in the theoretical and practical teaching, incorrectness of names of elected methodological approaches. Methodological approaches vary in their degree of normative objectively generality and scientific status. And as regulatory Gnostic basis for activities depending on the destination may be represented differently: as a theoretical and (or) logical position (in the form of theory, thesis, ideas, structures, models, hypothesis, etc.); as a set of specific related methods, techniques and rules of implementation activities, adequate any task, idea, principle; as a sign or set of signs of the quality of the implementation of the activity, its qualitative characteristics. Since the bases of methodological approaches may be different phenomena, it is important for researcher choosing a methodological approach to decide initially which of these reasons is really needed in a particular research: idea, method, or special quality. Depending on the chosen methodological approach will differ in varying degrees of stiffness requirements for its use.
methodological basis of the research, approach, the methodological approach, the choice of methodological approaches.

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