Morozova Elena Evgen'evna
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Head of the chair of Elementary Mathematics and Science Education, Saratov State University N. G. Chernyshevskij, moroz@san.ru, Saratov

The question of the personality socialization by means patriotic education in the humanistic educational space

The article considers the questions of patriotic education of schoolchildren by means of transmission of social memory about the war. Described educational work of schools of the Saratov region, related to the theme of the war within the framework of the project “Green Memory Alley”. To schoolchildren and creative teams of schools was given the task – to convey the image of war through artistic-aesthetic, ecological, symbolic value of plants. It is shown that the performance of the process of spiritual and moral development of the individual and society is provided by the interaction of individual and social mechanisms of transmission of social memory about the war.
personality socialization, patriotic education, humanistic education space, social memory of the war, plant value, schoolchildren.

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