Asadullin Rail Mirvaevich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Bashkir State Pedagogical University, M. Akmulla, rail_53@mail.ru, Ufa
Frolov Oleg Viktorovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Orenburg State University, fov-osu@mail.ru, Orenburg

Modern pedagogical university: the search for a new identity

The article is by its nature is theoretical. Changes in University management requires taking into account its regional specificity. The current model of management of the pedagogical University does not meet public needs and expectations in the educational and professional community that generates a request to increase the validity and substantiation of the educational policies and generally sets the context for new scientific and practical approaches to the management of universities of professional teacher education. In preparing the articles used the results of in-depth analysis of an array of scientific and pedagogical publications, management experience, review and analytical materials of leading Russian and foreign scientists, Russian and foreign educational establishments and education authorities. To be discussed in the article the results are the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the concept in terms of the transformation of value positions intensively changing social space.
educational system, vocational education, vocational education, teacher education, the University, the institutional crisis, the effectiveness of higher education, the development of universities

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