Polichka Anatoly Yegorovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Pacific National University, aepol@mail.ru, Khabarovsk
Kislyakova Maria Andreevna
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, Pacific National University, rabota2486@ya.ru, Khabarovsk

Principles of selection of content of training of bachelors for the implementation of pedagogical potential of mathematical disciplines

The article raises the problem of content selection of teaching mathematical disciplines in conditions of competence approach. The reasons causing the necessity of transformation of the higher education of bachelors. The possibilities of mathematical disciplines in the preparation of bachelors in higher education. Found a link between the goals of learning mathematics, their pedagogical potential and the formation of the content of the discipline in the bachelors nonmathematical areas of training. The basic position for the content selection of mathematical disciplines for bachelors nonmathematical areas in the form of pedagogical principles.
mathematical disciplines, bachelors, educational potential, the content of training courses

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