Krivolapchuk Igor Allerovich
Доктор биологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Biolog.), Head of Laboratory of Physiology of Muscular Activity and Physical Training, Institute of the Russian Academy of Education Institute for Developmental Physiology, i.krivolapchuk@mail.ru, Moscow

Health improving potential of schoolchildren physical readiness means and effective tensions parametars

In the article on the ground of modern scientific data analyses, the meaning of systematic physical exercises lessons for functional state optimization and children’s health improving in the individual process is opened. New approaches to the physical tensions normalization of different direction at the health improving lessons training with different aged children have been examined. It was systematized the characteristics and criteria reflecting quantitative and qualitative measure of influence on physical exercises to the engaged ones’ functional state and health. To the number of such characteristics determining the effect of physical exercises lessons relate, beforehand, the content, direction, value and physical tensions organization. The notion “health improving potential of physical tension” is brought in the scientific usage. The given notion characterizes hidden capabilities of physical activity to supply the adequate level of man’s stamina, to form and to support the state of his physical, psychical and social well-being on the base of organism’s dynamic balance keeping and his functions with the environment
physical readiness, functional state, health, effective physical tensions parameters.

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