Absalyamova Ramsya Achmarovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assist. Prof. of the Department of Foreign languages and Intercultural Professional Communication, Tyumen State University, ramsia@inbox.ru, Tyumen

Training technology in professijnally focused foreign texts understanding

According to Federal State Educational Standards of new generation the purpose of foreign language teaching is formation of foreign language communicative competence. The index of its formation is the capability to communicate in oral and written Russian and foreign languages to solve the problems of interpersonal and cross-cultural interaction, the capability to work in a group assuming social, ethnic, confessional and cultural distinctions tolerantly, and the capability to self-organization and self-education as well. Foreign language skills simplify entry to the world professional community. Therefore, it is necessary to train a specialist possessing foreign-language professional communicative competence. The development of foreign-language professional communicative competence make possible: a) to acquire deep knowledge in a specific area by extracting necessary information from foreign language sources; b) to interact adequately in the course of professional communication using a foreign language; c) to stimulate the creative potential development of future specialists.
the problem of all-professional competences increase, professionally focused texts, text understanding, text understanding strategy, linguo-didactic specification

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