Sobolnikov Valery Vasilyevich
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psichol.), Prof., Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, vsobolnikovis@gmail.com, Novosibirsk

Reflection of self-control loneliness minors in conditions of social isolation

In the article the problems of juvenile delinquents residing in a state of loneliness in terms of social exclusion. Comprehension of the category of “loneliness” in her agility and sharpness of occurrence as a specific driving force of transformation of the inner world of the personality allows to consider reflection as a means of self-regulation. On the basis of conceptual assumptions of the presented model of the process of formation of reflexive structures and reflexive mastery of skills, “finding yourself”. The technology of self-development as a whole is aimed at the formation of Autonomous mechanisms of personality, and requires the use of specially organized external control. The special place in article is analysis of the complexity of the subjective experiences of loneliness, formed on the basis of the structure, mechanisms and processes of the brain, understanding which determines a person's ability to create, to experience and to change the internal picture of the world. Therefore, when conducting research in a future perspective should be considered the method of neural network algorithms to analyze the behavior of minors with the use of the polygraph charts on a computer polygraph. Creation of a virtual model of minors experiencing alone would allow, on the one hand to hold the object recognition system of signs, and with another – on the basis of the reflexive analysis to carry out corrective work.
loneliness, juvenile delinquents, reflection, self-control, criminal behavior, social and emotional isolation, grief, stress factor, inner peace, self-knowledge, neural network algorithms, polygraph.

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