Ankvab Marina Fiodorovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Abkhazian State University, ankvab.marina@yandex.ru, Sukhum

Specifics of methods of re-education of a personality in the abkhazian folk pedagogy

The article speaks about the forms and methods of re-education of the personality from a line item of the Abkhazian ethnopedagogy. Now in the Republic of Abkhazia, as well as around the world, the youth shows a tendency to violation of moral regulations, the commonly accepted rules of conduct. Society is often uncapable to find adequate forms of interaction with teenagers. The author sees the reason of it in loss of the former traditions of upbringing of ancestors acquired for centuries. With respect thereto there is almost important social and pedagogical problem: detection of features of process of re-education of youth on the example of the Abkhazian ethnopedagogics. As the solution of this problem the author offers their revival, and also their implementation in the education system. A research purpose is to reveal methods and means of re-education of children existing in the Abkhazian folk pedagogy. The scientific novelty and the theoretical importance traced in article consists in identification of the main acceptances of the Abkhazian folk pedagogy necessary for re-education of the child.
re-education, Abkhazian folk pedagogy, ethnopedagogics of Abkhazians, ways of upbringing, ethnopedagogic methods, ways of re-education, Abkhazians, Abkhazia.

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