Hutoryanskaya Tatyana Valentinovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology and Psychodiagnostics, Saratov State University named by N. G. Chernyshevsky, dialogus1@yandex.ru, Saratov

Psychological features of the teenagers included and not included in virtual subculture

Results of a theoretical and empirical research psychological features of the teenagers included and not included in virtual subculture of a computer underground are stated. It is shown that the teenagers included in virtual subculture differ in isolation, aspiration to a privacy, vigilance in real communication with people, and at the same time accuracy, ability to solve objectives, complete return to case in which it is engaged and teenage athletes have opposite psychological qualities. Results of the empirical research executed on selection of teenagers of the city of Saratov are provided (1 group – n = 30, 14–17 years, the Internet users of teenage age including themselves in virtual subculture of a computer underground; The 2nd group – n = 30, 14–17 years, the teenagers who are professionally playing sports (volleyball section)) using diagnostic tools: technique "Research of aktsentuation of nature (K. Leongard, S. Shmishek's modification)"; technique "Research of an orientation of the personality (B. Bass)"; technique "Studying of valuable orientations (M. Rokich)"; technique "Studying of features of interpersonal communication (T. Leary)", technique "Determination of resistance to stress of the personality (N.V. Kirsheva, N.V. Ryabchikov)". It is established that there are significant distinctions between psychological features of the teenagers included in virtual subculture and psychological features of the teenagers who aren't included in virtual subculture. The applied aspect of the researched problem can be realized in consulting practice of educational psychologists and other specialists.
psychological features; teenagers; virtual subculture; inclusiveness; not an inclusiveness.

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