Adeeva Tatiana Nikolaevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Kostroma State University, adeeva.tanya@rambler.ru, Kostroma

Current problems and the factors of readiness for inclusive education teachers and parents

In the article the analysis of the most problematic aspects of psychological readiness towards inclusive education of teachers and parents, the specificity of formation of components of psychological readiness of participants of the educational process. It describes the problems of formation of the motivational-axiological and cognitive components of readiness of teachers and parents of children with disabilities. Of teachers is dominated by extrinsic motivation, there are difficulties of changing attitudes towards the educational process, the difficulties of interpreting it as a variable that has multiple trajectories. For parents of children with disabilities inclusive education is a situation of uncertainty, because there is no clear understanding of the objectives and organization of the process, sometimes inflated expectations. Marked insufficient level of development of qualities necessary for effective interaction in parents of children with disabilities and typical development. Identifies some factors that influence the formation of psychological readiness for inclusion of teachers and parents.
inclusive education, psychological readiness, children with disabilities, parents, teachers.

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