Makhinin Alexander Nikolaevich
Assoc. Prof. of the Department of the general and social pedagogics, Voronezh state pedagogical university, alex-makhinin@yandex.ru, Voronezh

Quasisubjectivity in educational space: search identical in the pedagogical profession (To M.V. Shakurova's anniversary)

Article is devoted to the analysis of social and pedagogical views of the graduate of the Russian Academy of Education of the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Marina Viktorovna Shakurova, who is a recognized expert in the field of the theory and practice of social education, problems of formation of sociocultural identity of the personality in modern sociocultural space and her pedagogical maintenance today. In the field of the scientific interests of the researcher there are also questions of need of changes of preparation and professional development of teachers as tutors, determination of criteria and indicators of assessment of quality of activity of the teacher as tutor in the conditions of variable educational the practician that as a result results the scientist in the idea about need of development of the new concept of education answering to calls of modern times.
social education; socialization; sociocultural space; sociocultural identity

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