Ivanova Oksana Nicolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, associate professor of Department for Economic, Legal and Humanitarian Education, The Yakut State Agricultural academy, oksy28@mail.ru, Yakutsk
Belotserkovskaya Nadezhda Vasilievna
Кандидат педагогических наук, associate professor of the Department of English Philology, Institute of Foreign Philology and Regional Studies, North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, beloc.nadezda@mail.ru, Yakutsk

Supports in teaching reading foreign texts students of agricultural higher educational institution

The article is devoted to the problem of finding supports necessary for understanding foreign text under conditions of agricultural higher educational institution. Here is given the research of essence of reading supports; types of reading supports; teaching students of agricultural higher educational institution to find and understand supports in reading. To solve the tasks set, the following research methods were used: the study and analysis of Russian literature on the research problem; the analysis of English textbooks for agricultural higher educational institution; monitoring the learning process of reading among the students of the first and the second courses; conversations with students and lecturers. The carried out research has allowed to come to the following conclusions: it is important in teaching reading to use all the possibilities that the text and the student has with his language experience in agricultural higher educational institution. The formation of the ability to find and work with supports of different character in vocationally-oriented texts can help students to intensify the understanding of the text in the conditions of agricultural higher educational institution.
teaching reading, vocationally-orientated texts, supports, essence of supports, types of reading supports, agricultural higher educational institution.

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