Vanieva Victoria Yuryevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Defectological Education, North-Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute, vvanieva@yandex.ru, Vladikavkaz

Formation of professional readiness of future speech terapists in the context of practice-based learning

The article reported the results of a study on the training of speech therapists to work with children with disabilities. It is recommended to design the process of formation of professional readiness of future speech therapists on the basis of the following organizational-pedagogical conditions: diversification of the content of the speech therapy education, the use of active and interactive methods, democratization of the educational process. We report the results of experimental work, confirming that the orientation to practice-oriented nature of learning in a pedagogical University allows most students to achieve the required (average and high) levels of professional readiness.
vocational training, professional education, practice-oriented training

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