Lavrentieva Olesya Alekseevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education, Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, loa23@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Pedagogical resources of tuitor support of masters in higher education

In this article, the features of the inclusion of tutors in undergraduate curriculum in the educational space are considered, pedagogical resources of tutors support of undergraduates are presented, and tutorship is shown as a pedagogical position that is associated with a special educational system based on the cognitive interest and inclinations of students. It is shown that the responsibility of the tutor is to create the necessary pedagogical conditions for the appearance of an educational result. The stages of tutorial support of the research activity of undergraduates in a pedagogical university are presented. At the first stage, informing about student associations is realized in order to provide an individual route for personal growth, at the second stage - the inclusion in the tradition and enrichment (design) of the educational space. The third - the formation of a team of specialists who can solve practical problems of education. On the fourth - to provide professional reflection of the personal growth of the undergraduate. Described his own experience as a tutor. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn that the resources of tutorship support for undergraduates are an integral part of pedagogical and vocational training and lead to the formation of a team of specialists from the group of masters who are ready to work together, able to work creatively and at a high professional level.
tutor, tutor support, masters, educational activities with students.

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