Alexsandrova Ekaterina Alexsandrovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Saratov State University named N. G. Chernyshevsky, alexkatika@mail.ru, Saratov

Evolution of methods and admissions of education

the purpose of the article: to present the search results for the most effective methods of a modern child education. Main achievements: the variants of education environment formation logics are presented: from the ideology to the means of education; from the means of education to the ideology. Traditional groups of teaching methods are critically analysed: methods of consciousness formation; methods of activities organization and behavioral experience formation; methods of stimulation. Effective methods of education are presented: subtextual statements, argument, dialogue, joint reasoning and thinking, active listening, semantic pauses, creation of educational situations / precedents, usage of a growing person’s opinion and experience. The technique of individual educational achievements scheduling is demonstrated. Conclusion: effective methods for a modern child education are methods implying interaction with a child that create conditions for: understanding the meaning of an event and its consequences by a child; acceptance of people and communication with them that helps a child to comprehend an event; perception of the surrounding environment, as an environment of new opportunities and new meanings.
methods of education, means of education, education environment.

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