Barabasheva Irina Vladimirovna
Senior lecturer, Foreign Languages Department, Faculty of Humanities, Novosibirsk State Technical University, airen@ngs.ru, Novosibirsk

«Peer coaching» technology as a means of language teachers’ professional development within advanced professional education

The paper presents the analytical review of the educational technology «Peer Coaching», it offers variants of its effective implementation in the work of high school teachers and in the system of the Advanced Professional Education, it shows some difficulties that might be faced while working with the technology and offers some practical guidelines of the most appropriate and efficient ways how to implement it in the teaching process of Russian Federation higher education. The study, based on the results of the survey held in Novosibirsk State Technical University, proves that «Peer Coaching» is one of the most successful high school teaching staff development technology that has as its purpose to advance the professionalism of teachers by training them to promote frequent, informal, helpful observations by one professional educator to another, to give necessary rationale feedback and coach each other.
professional development, advanced professional education, peer coaching, foreign language teacher, educational technology

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