Shakurova Marina Viktorovna
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., Leading Analyst, Educational Content Development and Socialization Laboratory, Center of Upbringing and Personal Development, Russian Academy of Education,Prof. of the Department of Social Pedagogy, Voronezh state pedagogical university, shakurova@mail.ru, Voronezh

Identity of the person as the indicator presence of educational space

In article possibility and necessity of use of identity of the person as an indicator of presence of educational space is proved. Results of the analysis of tradition of pedagogical studying of space are presented, in the given context four possible vectors are characterised: metaphorical, physical, transitive, not physical. The role of identity of the person as mechanism of construction of borders at the expense of significant communications and the relations setting borders of space in its not physical perusal is underlined. Intrinsic characteristics of identity the persons complicating procedure of the analysis with its help of spatial phenomena in whom the given person acts as the subject are shown. From positions of pedagogical judgment of a phenomenon of sociallycultural identity of the person and process of its formation the pedagogical conditions necessary for formation of a subject position of the person in educational space are allocated.
space; educational space; identity of the person; subject position.

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