On semantics and the genealogy of the concept of education
1. Dewey, John, 1921. Introduction to the philosophy of education. Moscow: Worker of education Publ., 180 p. (In Russ.)
2. Dewey, John, 2000. Democracy and education. Moscow: Pedagogika-press Publ., 384 p. (In Russ.)
3. Krivov, Y. I., 2009. Education and upbringing (brief notes about their relationship). Problems of Education, 1, pp. 40–43. (In Russ.)
4. Tolstoy, L. N., 1983. Education. Collected works in 22 t. Moscow: Fiction Publ., 16, pp. 29–66. (In Russ.)
5. Dewey, J., 1916. Democracy and Education: an introduction to the philosophy of education. N. Y.: Macmillan Publ.
6. The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2003, 413 p.
7. Educational Charters and Documents 598 to 1909 / ed. and transl. by Arthur F. Leach. Cambridge: Cambr. Univ. Press Publ., 1911.
8. Hanawalt, Barbara A., 1995. Growing Up in Medieval London The Experience of Childhood in History. L.: Oxford Univ. Press Publ.
9. Locke, J., 1996. Some Thoughts Concerning Education and of the Conduct of the Understanding / eds. by Ruth W. Grant and Nathan Tarcov. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Co. Publ.
10. Milton, J., 1895. Tractate of Education. L., N. Y.: Macmillan Publ.
11. Mulcaster, R., 1994. Positions Concerning the Training Up of Children. Toronto: University of Toronto Press Publ.
12. Oxford English Dictionary. Available at: www.oed.com (accessed 17.05.2017).
13. Robinson, K., Harris, A. L., 2014. The Broken Compass: Parental Involvement with Children's Education. N. Y.: Harvard University Press Publ.
14. Russell, B., 1954. Education and the Good Life. N. Y.: Liveright Publishing Corp. Publ.
15. Russell, B., 2004. Education and Discipline. B. Russell, A. Gottlieb. In Praise of Idleness: And Other Essays. N. Y., L.: Routledge Publ., pp. 141–147.
16. Sheridan, Th., 1769. A plan of education for the young nobility and gentry of Great Britain, etc. Dublin: George Faulkner Publ.
17. Spencer, H., 1861. Education: intellectual, moral, and physical. Williams and Norgate Publ.