Gam Alexandr Vladimirovich
Headmaster, Centre of Educational Initiatives, gam_av@mail.ru, Omsk

Evaluation of socio-cultural identity in primary schoolboys

This article considers a rather new phenomenon in pedagogical practice – the "sociocultural identity" of a person. The analysis of socio-cultural identity as a phenomenon that characterizes the identification of the meanings and concepts of the child with the world of society and culture are presented in the article. The methodological foundations are provisions on the integration and divergence of social phenomena and processes, determining the relationship of the principles of development in the field of social and public phenomena, as well as a systematic approach that allows for the analysis and design of processes of interaction between society and the individual as subjects of socio-cultural community. The article discusses the main features of social and cultural identity, functions, manifestations at the level of Junior school age. The article defines criteria and indicators of sociocultural identity, the basic methods and assessment methods. The main results of measurements with the methods of mathematical statistics (Student's t-test – Dependent t-test for paired samples).
identity, the result of socio-cultural identity, criterion-evaluation complex of socio-cultural identity.

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