Bolshunova Nataliya Ykovlevna
Доктор психологических наук, Dr.Sci. (Psycholog.), Prof., Novosibirsk state pedagogical university, nat_bolshunova@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Ustinova Olga Anatolievna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Psychology, Head of the Center for Socio-Cultural Development of Man, Kemerovo State University, ustinova_oly@mail.ru, Novokuznetsk

Child's conflict: causes, consequences and possibilities of permission in the context of child subculture

The article deals with the problem of children's conflicts in modern sociocultural conditions. The conflict is viewed as a complex spiritual and moral phenomenon associated with the value system to which the child is guided in his life in his choices and actions. It is shown that education and development in the context of the children's subculture, aimed at the actualization of the value system, self-understanding and understanding of the Other, the development of dialogue, creates conditions for constructive behavior of children in the conflict situation. It is shown that the basis of socio-cultural dialogue is the dialectic of "questionability" and "responsiveness." Dialogue, performed in the context of the children's subculture, actualized by means of a fairy tale, initiating the game, as the leading activity of preschool children, the creative and productive activity of junior schoolchildren, etc., determines the development of the ability to discover the value of "yourself" and "the Other," the ability to forgive. The article presents the experience of implementing a number of projects aimed at the socio-cultural development of children and adolescents and their constructive behavior in a conflict situation.
conflict, dialogue, "questionability", "responsiveness", value of "yourself" and "another", children's subculture, project.

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