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Frizen Marina Aleksandrovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Assoc. Prof., Theoretical and Applied Psychology Department, Kamchatka State University named after Vitus Bering,, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy
Yanitskiy Mikhail Sergeyevich
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Social and Psychological Institute, Kemerovo State University,, Kemerovo
Seryy Andrey Viktorovich
Доктор психологических наук, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Prof.,, Kemerovo State University,, Kemerovo

Personal autonomy of the heads carrying out professional activity in education

Results of a scientific psychological research of heads of educational institutions personal autonomy are presented in the article. Results of the theoretical analysis of specifics of administrative activity in education as well as the internal resources of the personality involved for its realization are also reflected. Personal autonomy is considered as a key component of personal potential of the head, the interrelations at different levels of expressiveness with parameters of self-organization of activity and the self-relation are studied within the empirical research. By results of the research the following conclusions are drawn: the heads of educational institutions with more expressed personal autonomy are more goal-oriented and responsible for various aspects of activity. Various interrelations of parameters of autonomy, self-organization of activity and the self-relation are peculiar to heads in education with the different level of personal autonomy. Results of a research can be the basis for optimization of administrative activity in education.
administrative activity in educational institution, internal resources of the head, personal autonomy, the self-relation, responsibility

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