Sayakhov Ruslan Lynitsevich
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy Chair of the, Bashkir State Pedagogical University, M. Akmulla, Ruslan030271@hotmail.com, Ufa

Activation of the pedagogical potential of muslim religious primary sources

The search for new landmarks and approaches in the implementation of the social order for the formation of the man of the future actualizes the study of Muslim religious sources. The assumption of the presence of pedagogical potentials is based on the absence in the Islamic culture of the purposeful division of the life of the individual and society into the so-called secular and spiritual component. The study confirms the presence of pedagogical ideas that are consistent with the aims and objectives of pedagogy, and shows the presence in the Muslim religious sources of primary pedagogical potentials, expressed in the ideas of moral, intellectual, physical, legal, labor, aesthetic education.
pedagogical potential, Muslim religious sources, Koran, Hadeeth, Moral education.

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