Kretova Larisa Nikolaevna
Кандидат филологических наук, Cand. Sci. (Philol.), Assoc. Prof., Department of English, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, kretlarisa@mail.ru, Novosibirsk

Sоcioculturak competence and methods of its formation in the process of working with the poetic text in english

The article presents the ways of forming the socio-cultural competence while working with poetic text. The author of the article justifies the urgency of the process of forming the socio-cultural competence, identifies the main directions and ways of forming the said competence and determines its essence within the framework of the competence approach. In the process of work, students not only get acquainted with the translation of the original text into English, but also turn to the conceptual sphere of the text and the problem of its preservation in the translation process, analyze the quality of translation and determine on which components of the sociocultural competence the work with the original and the translation is focuced. In the course of the work, an experiment was conducted, during which specific features of the poetic text and variants of its translation are revealed, which fosters the formation of socio-cultural competence, associative and creative thinking, creative skills and a deeper understanding of the subtextual level of the work.
socio-cultural competence, poetic text, original, translation.

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