Dombrovskaya Maria Gennadievna
Non-degree, Postgraduate Student of Chair for Pedagogy, Ural State University of Physical Education, stojmasha@yandex.ru, Chelyabinsk


Issues and goals. There is the method that is aimed at level increase of teacher’s willingness to patriotic education among teenagers in the given article. Actual continuity and social proof of the teacher’s willingness to patriotic education among teenagers have been found. The goal of the article is to describe the method of teacher’s willingness to patriotic education among teenagers. Method development is considered in the context of Federal law implementation “Concerning Education in the Russian Federation” and State Programme “Patriotic education among citizens of the Russian Federation during 2016-2020”. Methodology. The methodology is a unity of purpose, principles, content, forms, methods and facilities of pedagogical assistance that are aimed at achieving qualitative change in teacher’s willingness to patriotic education. The development stages of teacher’s willingness have been described in the methodology; a detailed description of some forms and methods of pedagogical assistance has also been given. There are findings about effective results of method implementation based on two schools in Chelyabinsk in conclusion.
method, willingness, patriotic education, teacher, teenagers

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