Satov Mukhometkali Kussainovich
Deputy Commander-in-Chief on educational and socio-legal work, National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, satov61@mail.ru, Astana


Problem and purpose. In modern conditions of educational activity, it is important to ensure a harmonious combination of personal goals of cadets and socially significant ideals of society. Such an integrative component is the social success of graduates of military higher educational institution. Social success, which determines the direction of life of an individual, is an integral part of the social and behavioral component of the future officer and determines his personality structure, along with cognitive and emotional-volitional components. Methodology. The article deals with pedagogical conditions and pedagogical support for the formation of the social success of a cadet of a military higher educational institution that fosters the formation of a person in the unity of his manifestations as an individual, subject and personality of a future officer. Analysis of the literature shows that the formation and development of this phenomenon is possible in two directions: on the one hand, through the accumulation of experience in resolving various difficult situations and successfully overcoming the difficulties encountered in activities, and on the other, by including the officer in the continuous process of education in the framework of the main directions of educational and upbringing activity, as well as systematic self-education. Priority for us in the formation and development of social success will be the second direction. At the same time, we assign psychiatric methods, and in particular methods of cognitive-be- havioral psychotherapy, to the defining role in the formation and development of social success in the framework of our research. The experience of our work has made it possible to determine the specifics of implementing methods of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy within the framework of military activities, which includes nine main stages, based on the principles of the ethical code of a psychologist and psychotherapist. Formation and development of social success within the framework of military activities is possible in the process of commander training, advanced training, and self-training.
cadet, military higher educational institution, social success, pedagogical conditions, pedagogical support, social-behavioral component

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