Bateneva Elena Vladislavovna
Assistant of the Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool Education, Institute of Childhood, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, arcy.nsk@gmail.com, Novosibirsk


The level of self-expression culture of the tutor determines the quality of the educational influence implementation, which is an essential part of the educational process. There is a necessity to create conditions for the formation of such a culture in vocational pedagogical education. This article describes the reflective-evaluative component of the cultural self-expression as a driving force for the formation of this culture of bachelors of pedagogy. The article establishes estimated and transformative functions of this component; notes the sensitivity of the student age to its formation; the specifics of the grounds for the reflexive-evaluative activity of the bachelors of the named training area. The methods described are used by the teacher for the development of reflexively evaluative skills among university students. Based on the theoretical analysis here were identified possible pedagogical conditions for the reflective-evaluative component formation of cultural self-expressions of future tutors in terms of teaching disciplines
culture of self-expression, reflexive and evaluative component of the culture of self-expression, student age, organization of the educational process, vocational pedagogical education, reflection

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