Brichkovskaya Olesya Olegovna
Без ученой степени, head of the Department of social and psychological support Autonomous institution of professional education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra "Surgut Polytechnic College", Department of Psychology, Surgut State Pedagogical University, o-miss@mail.ru, Surgut, o-miss@mail.ru, Surgut

Moral and economic self-determination of youth as an orientation in approaches to solving problems of financial well-being

The relevance of research the problem of studying the characteristics of spontaneously emerging moral and economic orientations of youth is substantiated in the article. The importance of considering this problem in the context of studying psychological factors that prevent the achievement of conscious and adequate levels of identification of youth with certain standards of financial well-being in combination with moral and ethical ways of achieving them is revealed. A study of empirical indicators of the quality of orientation of students in vocational college and adults in various aspects of achieving the financial well-being of characters acting as possible patterns of identification is presented. The author substantiates the conclusion about the insufficient level of awareness of girls and boys in comparison with adults about the ethical ways to achieve the well-being of a number of characters. In the process of research, the need for additional support for the moral and economic self-determination of the youth as an integrative neoplasm is shown.
personal identification, diffuse identification, consciousness of identification, moral self-determination, moral-economic self-determination

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