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Khatckevich Tatyana Alekseevna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University named by V. P. Astafiev,, Krasnoyarsk
Furiaeva Tatiana Vasilievna
Доктор педагогических наук, Professor, head of Department of social pedagogy and social work, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical University. B. N. Astaf'eva,, Krasnoyarsk

Social and pedagogical project activity as a means of activating educational involvement of students-interns

The article deals with the problems of professional training of bachelors. The content of the concept of "educational involvement", the relevance of its activation in the framework of practical training of students in higher education. On the basis of the analysis of special researches and normative documents the components of educational involvement are characterized: motivational-value, cognitive, emotional-reflexive, communicative-activity. The special model of practical training – social and pedagogical internship is offered. Describes the capabilities of project activities to enhance the educational engagement of students based on the results of the experimental work.
educational involvement, social and socio-pedagogical internship, project social and pedagogical activity integration; continuous pedagogical education; culture of creative self-realization of personality

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7. Furyaeva T.V., Bocharova Ju. Ju., Khatskevich T.A. (2014) Social'no-pedagogicheskaja internatura: variant professionalizacii bakalavriata: uchebnoe posobie [Socio-pedagogical internship: a variant of the professionalization of the bachelor: a tutorial]. Krasnojarsk: Krasnojar. gos. Ped. Un-t im. V. P. Astaf'eva, 128 p. (in Russ., abstact. in Eng.)
8. Furyaeva T.V., Khatskevich T.A. (2015) Internatura kak faktor obespecheniya obrazovatel'noi vovlechennosti budushchikh bakalavrov v pedagogicheskogo universiteta [Internship as a factor in support of the educational involvement of future bachelors in the Pedagogical University]. Sibirskiy pedagogicheskiy zhurnal [Siberian Pedagogical Journal]. No 6, pp. 68-73 (in Russ., abstact. in Eng.)