Voropaev Michail Victorovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Dr. Sci. (Pedag.), Prof., of the Department of theory and history of education, Moscow City Pedagogical University, vrpmv@mail.ru, Moscow
Nizhny Igor Konstantinovich
Кандидат педагогических наук, Head of the course, Bryansk branch of Russian Institute for Advanced Training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, igor-nizhnih@yandex.ru, Bryansk

Non-cadet social education in the cadet school

The article examines the factors that influence the organization of social upbringing of the modern domestic society. The basic characteristics of social education in militarized educational organizations are singled out, the main trends of social education of children and adolescents in cadet schools (cadet corps) of the US and Russia are compared. The article analyzes the reasons for the growing popularity of cadet education in the country, including the consequences of the actual reduction in the age threshold of cadet education. The authors substantiate the requirements for building an integral system of social education on the basis of the model of cadet education. The possibilities of a long game as a basis for building a system of educational work with students at the level of general and primary education in a cadet school (cadet classes) are analyzed. As the basic requirements for such a game stand out: genre matching, structured, low tension “play-game”, the multiplicity of entry and exit points.
Cadet school, cadet classes, military academies, social education, long play, patriotic upbringing

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