Ivanova Oksana Nicolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, associate professor of Department for Economic, Legal and Humanitarian Education, The Yakut State Agricultural academy, oksy28@mail.ru, Yakutsk
Starostin Vladimir Petrovich
Кандидат философских наук, associate professor of Department for Economic, Legal and Humanitarian Education, The Yakut State Agricultural academy, starost@list.ru, Yakutsk

Teaching foreign reading students of agricultural higher educational institution in the conditions of trilingualism

The article is devoted to teaching reading in English students of agricultural higher educational institution in conditions of trilingualism. Here is given the research of such issues as bilingualism and trilingualism; specific features of teaching reading as a kind of speech activity in conditions of trilingualism; character of interaction of contacting languages during foreign reading. The carried out research has allowed to come to the following conclusions: a trilingual complex created in conditions of national-Russian and Russian-national bilingualism can have both positive and negative sides. Methodologically sound management of teaching a foreign language, in particular reading, can reveal additional bilingual opportunities, which are in its linguistic and operational experience.
bilingualism, philological and linguistic experience, linguistic experience, transposition, interference, foreign reading.

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