Мudrik Аnatolii Viktorovich
Доктор педагогических наук, Prof. of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Psychology, Моscow Pedagogical State University, amudrik@yandex.ru, Moscow
Patutina Natalia Anatol’evna
Доктор педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Moscow City Pedagogical University, patutinaw@yandex.ru, Moscow

Methodological bases of creation of conditions positive socialization of students: the problem

The text of the article contains a statement of the problem of formation of methodological foundations of social and pedagogical conditions of positive socialization of students. Diverse transformations of modern society have led to significant changes in the socialization of large groups of children, adolescents, boys and girls. In this regard, it is necessary to investigate changes in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of children with traditional and new groups of problems, to develop scientifically based ways and means of working with various categories of children - victims of adverse socialization conditions for the prevention, minimization, correction and such deviations, and the factors that cause them. The article describes the social, theoretical and practical relevance of the problem. In this regard, the scientific novelty of the research problem and the theoretical significance are at the forefront, as the research is aimed at developing a concept that will present the characteristics of the victimized individuals and groups and the factors that gave rise to them. The author offers a description of existing approaches to solving the problem in an interdisciplinary perspective; special attention is paid to the predecessors of socio-pedagogical victimology and aspects of its development in the creation of conditions for positive socialization of children, adolescents, boys and girls. The study of the methodological foundations of the creation of socio-pedagogical conditions of positive socialization of students is based on the General methodological principle of complementarity, the use of which allows to integrate the data of human and social Sciences branches of knowledge, to consider and characterize a person and a small group not only as objects and subjects, but also as victims of adverse conditions of socialization, to systematically study the objective and subjective factors of the formation of an individual or a group of a victim of adverse conditions of socialization, to develop ways of prevention and neutralization of victimogenic potential factors of socialization. The article describes the novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the problem.
methodology, positive socialization, socio-pedagogical victimology, victim of unfavorable conditions of socialization
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