Dubskih Dmitrij Vladimirovich
junior researcher of scientific and methodical detention center of education, State-funded educational institution of the higher education of the Moscow region, dvdubskih@yandex.ru , Moscow
Dubskih Veronika Anatolyevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, associate professor of preschool education; senior research associate of scientific and methodical detention center of education, State-funded educational institution of the higher education of the Moscow region, dubskih.veronika@yandex.ru , Moscow
Simakova Tatiana Petrovna
Доктор педагогических наук, professor of department of educational management; leading researcher of scientific and methodical detention center of education, State-funded educational institution of the higher education of the Moscow region "Academy of social management", ipktmvr@yandex.ru, Moscow


This article contains the analysis of results of questioning of heads of the general education organizations of the Moscow region in 2015 and 2017 which purpose was a research of dynamics of a self-assessment them process of introduction and implementation of the federal state educational standard of the general education (GEF OO) in own activity. Questionnaire survey has been carried out by means of Internet-poll and an interview. The conditions created for modernization of educational process according to requirements of GEF OO, and difficulty which were experienced by the educational organizations in their realization were an object of research. It was offered to heads for the analysis of 10 positions – characteristics of process of introduction of GEF OO. Also the questionnaire has included an open question for the wording of offers concerning the measures directed to overcoming difficulties related. Accent shift from basic conditions without which activity start is impossible, (material, personnel, legislative) – to the conditions providing methodical maintenance of this activity was as a result revealed. It says about more and more deep understanding heads of the educational organizations of the changes and problems existing directly in educational process.
Moscow region; heads of the general education organizations; conditions of introduction of GEF OO; difficulties in realization; results of a self-assessment.

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