Adeeva Tatiana Nikolaevna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Kostroma State University, adeeva.tanya@rambler.ru, Kostroma
Tikhonova Inna Viktorovna
Кандидат психологических наук, Assoc. Prof. of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, Kostroma State University, inn.007@mail.ru, Kostroma

The specificity of the life trajectory and indicators of subjective well-being of adults with hearing impairment

Subjective well-being is considered in the context of the life trajectory. In the analysis of the life trajectory, great importance is given to the important turning life events, specific conditions of life, experiences of the individual. The conditions and events of life are not predictors of subjective well-being, but can be a means of achieving it through interpretation, experience, willful overcoming. The aim of the study is to characterize and determine the specificity of indicators of subjective well – being of adults with hearing impairments by analyzing life trajectories. The trajectory of life of hearing-impaired adults with disabilities may be designated as hyperthymic. Significant events of life stand out a little, most of them are assessed as extremely positive. The study of subjective well-being using a standardized questionnaire showed that it has low values. Trouble is experienced in the form of emotional symptoms, tension and sensitivity. We can say disharmonically subjective well-being of the deaf the disabled, explained by the peculiarities of mental development of the respondents.
life trajectory, hearing impairment, well-being

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