Gladyshev Yuri Vladimirovich
Доктор медицинских наук, Prof. of the Department of psychology, pedagogics and law Staff, Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management, sir.yu-oskar2012@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


The article presents the results of studying the peculiarities of psychological protection and locus of control of students NSUEM. The theoretical basis of the article is the views of American psychologists J. Rotter and S. Freud. Psychological protection is a system of personal response to any threatening situations used by a person at an unconscious level. One of the most important integral characteristics of personality is locus of control. The appearance of this concept is associated with the works of J. Rotter, who suggested that there are individual differences that depend on whom people hold responsible for what is happening to them. A study of psychological protection showed that the first three places are: projection, rationalization and regression. On this basis, it should be concluded that along with Mature protection in the form of “rationalization” students often use such primitive types of protections as “projection” and “regression”. In the study of the correlation matrix, it was revealed that the control locus of external students forms a significant positive relationship with “regression” and “displacement” and negative with “rationalization”. Have students internals locus of control has a negative relationship with all types of protection. Thus, students with external locus of control will be characterized by unproductive methods of conflict resolution.
psychological defense, locus of control, internality, externalhost, the questionnaire Pluchek, correlation analysis

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