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Sotnicova Svetlana Anatolievna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof. of the Department of theory and methods of teaching Romano-Germanic languages, Novokuznetsk Institute Kemerovo state University,, Novokuznetsk


The song possesses huge methodical and motivational potential in teaching foreign languages. As the study of teaching programmes and observation of the teaching-learning process show, this potential is not fully utilized. The article explores the opportunities of utilizing songs as tools in the development of language competence of secondary school students in French lessons. The article explains the effectiveness of songs for developing pronunciation, grammatical, lexical and spelling skills. The article provides the criteria for song materials selection, the sequence of working with songs. The article also contains a complex of assignments targeted at developing language competence. The article presents a conclusion about the effectiveness of using songs in French lessons.
tool of the teaching, songs, methodical potential, skills, the language competence

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