Yakovleva Irina Vladimirovna
Кандидат философских наук, Associate Professor of physical education department, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, uhova2005@mail.ru, Novosibirsk
Fedorova Nadezhda Konstantinovna
Assist. Prof. of the Department of Physical Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, fedorova. n.k@gmail.com, Novosibirsk
Margaryan Sion Levonovich
Assist. Prof. of the Department of Physical Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, sion@nspu.net, Novosibirsk
Strukova Svetlana Anatolievna
Senior teacher of the Department of Physical Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, swetl.struckova@yandex.ru, Novosibirsk


The article dwells upon the integration analysis potentialities in studying volitional self-regulation that students in special medical groups at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University possess. The main problem, as the authors see it, is the absence of firm inner incentives and motivation to be active physically, and, generally, not being oriented to be healthy in classical terms. The aspects under analysis include: the students’ patience in overcoming certain difficulties; the strength and duration of volitional effort to overcome fatigue; volitional assessment in case of muscle tension, and volitional self-regulation conditioned by value-motivation content.
volitional self-regulation, back-bone power, neuro-dynamic characteristic, value-sense content of mind, modification method of free associations

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