Shirokova Marina Sergeevna
Senior lecturer of department Professional growth, Russian State Vocational Pedagogic University, marina_shirokova@list.ru, Ekaterinburg
Dneprov Sergey Antonovich
Доктор педагогических наук, professor of Department of Professional Pedagogy, Russian State Vocational Pedagogic University, dneprovsergey@gmail.com, Ekaterinburg

The Formedness of Professionally-Moral Values of the Future Bachelor of Financial Management

It's common knowledge that economy is the implementation of the knowledge-based system meant to improvement life quality of popular majority. Unfortunately, as of today Russian economy is loathe to respect the interests of majority. Is oriented toward personal benefication some persons. The world historical experience is show that strengthening social disparity is necessarily lead to social catastrophe. With a view to prevent this today more than ever before take on a dimension to change the worldview of future professionals by economy area, primarily - financial industry experts. One of the moves, which we can do, is the development of professionally-moral values during the higher education. Goal of research was that to enquire as students are competent in terms of financier’s values. In accordance with any findings was made conclusion: level of knowledge professionally-valued concepts is relatively low. It has allowed to develop a hypothesis: the students don’t recognize in this terms the professionally-moral values. And in this direction we are continuing research.
education, students, level of knowledge, economy, professionally-moral values financial industry experts.

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