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Kharchenko Svetlana Albertovna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Assoc. Prof., Irkutsk State University,, Irkutsk


The problem and purpose. The article actualizes the necessity of solving the problem of forming a culture of cooperation of students as a complex personal characteristic that determines the quality of interaction of a modern person with others. The most important component of the culture of cooperation, according to the author, is the ability to form a community with participants in joint activities. The purpose of the article is the theoretical justification and assessment of the opportunities for students of the university to develop the ability to form a community with the subjects of joint activity through cluster interaction. Methodology. The study was based on the implementation of the cluster approach in education (E. A. Afonina, O. V. Buresh, T. G. Davydenko, E. A. Zhilyakov, D. V. Smirnov, A. V. Smirnov, T. I. Shamova and others), specifically, the introduction of productive interaction in the educational process of the university, involving the inclusion of cluster members in the process of joint activities, aimed at creating a socially significant product. The consequence of the actualization of the potential of cluster interaction is the consistency of the actions of all its subjects and the formation of the ability of bachelors to form a community with the subjects of joint activity. The forming stage of the research was realized within the framework of the course on the choice “Pedagogical basis of cluster interaction”. In conclusion, the conclusion is made that the use of cluster interaction within the framework of this study allowed to fully realize the pedagogical potential of the ideas of cooperation, which led to an increase in the level of the formation of a culture of cooperation between learners.
cooperation, culture of cooperation; community; joint activity, goals of interaction, value-orientation unity of the group, group consistency, cluster interaction

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