Burmistrova Marina Nikolaevna
Кандидат педагогических наук, Cand. Sci. (Pedag.), Assoc. Prof. of the Department of Methodology of Education, Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, mnburmistrova@ramble.ru, Saratov
Gushchina Irina Nikolaevna
Без ученой степени, Postgraduate Student of Department of Methodology of Education, Saratov State University named after N. G. Chernyshevsky, guschinain@mail.ru, Saratov


The article considers the role of reflection of the future teacher which is a factor of personal and professional development and self-development. This process helps future teachers to carry out assessment of their educational level providing success of an adequate self-evaluation allowing to make changes on the way to future pedagogic work and professional self-education. Reflection has a special significant role, it performs both analytical and constructive functions, allowing to make a choice of the conscientious and critical attitude to the phenomena and the facts of innovative development of the educational environment of higher education institution by means of organising a variety of social practices for students. Its analysis shows that students need to develop some skills of self-assessment and self-analysis that will allow them to be critical of themselves, to draw an analogy between their abilities and opportunities and justifying the real goals of self-assessment. Problem of self-assessment and self-analysis encompasses modalities such as the desire for professional self-knowledge, its improvement and the development of professional interest. There are scientific approaches complemente each other with a group reflection through mutual analysis. Various forms of the organization of educational activity of students are noticed by means of which they join pedagogical activity reveal, also they analyze their own experience and observations. It is possible to tell that process of a professional reflection, is an integral part of self-knowledge and professional self-development of future teachers.
reflection, pedagogical reflection, experience, professional education, self-development, introspection, professional self-determination, professional self-development

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